Booking request

Check tariff


    Cancellation policy (authorization is required)

    Cancellation is free of charge 7 days prior to the date of arrival (by 6.00 pm local time)
    Full cancellation or late modification will result in a charge of 45% of the entire amount of the stay,
    while no-shows will result in a charge of 75% of the entire amount of the stay.

    Kind of accommodation needed

    How many rooms*

    Single room(for an only person)

    Double room(for 2 people)

    Triple room(for 3 people)

    Check-IN day*

    Check-OUT day*

    Name and Surname*

    Permanent address*


    ZIP code*







    Reason for your visit*

    Privacy policy
    Privacy policy - I authorize the use of data (authorization is required)

    I authorize the use of data to inform you of the initiatives dedicated to the guests of the Residenza Spirito Santo.

    I authorizeI don't authorize      (authorization optional)